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Body -

Your physical body is a reflection of your soul & spirit. Many do not understand this connection, which causes an imbalance, wreaking havoc on our physical body. We believe very strongly in not only the healing power of Jesus Christ, but also in taking care of our mental and spiritual health so that we can live an abundant life.


We all have our souls - our mind, will and emotions - to contend with. We need healthy minds and emotions to live an abundant life. And to accomplish this, we must feed our spirit man. We are a triune being; spirit, soul and body. They have to work in unison to live an abundant life!

Spirit -

Matt. 4:4: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. A strong spirit is what sustains us in any kind of trouble. A strong spirit is confident, established, unmovable and ready for anything. It is steady under pressure, full of joy and peace—and it never quits. A strong spirit will get you through anything