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Healing is for you!

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How do we answer the common questions of...."But why, God". Why did that child suffer, why was my spouse killed, why all the cancer taking my family members from this earth, why all the pain and suffering. If you're God, why don't YOU fix it??

Healing is a tough subject! I love to teach on the subject in different arenas, I know what the Word of God says about healing, how Christ died on the cross for my healing TODAY. But there's many times I sit and question God, I pour out my tears to Him and say "But God", I don't understand. Then I get up out of my pity party, and I continue to study His Word, I continue to live, and move and have my being in Him, because He's my only hope. He is what gets me through the tough times. My favorite quote is, "I'm not going to let what I don't know, stop me from what I do know....and that is, it is God's will to heal every time. Just like it's God's will that everyone be saved and not perish. Then if it's His will, why isn't it happening. 

I'm not going to answer all those questions here, but what I will say, is we have to know Him! Healing is Jesus and Jesus is Healing, so to know Healing, we need to know Jesus. Healing is part of His covenant with us as believers in Him. If you believe in Him, you have His benefits of being His child. The battle will always rage, because we live in this world full of evil, and the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy, but it's how we REACT to it. Healing is a Lifestyle, knowing Christ is a Lifestyle....it's a Lifestyle that brings Victory.

I believe God has given us many different modalities for healing. When we have a relationship - not a religion - with Christ, He guides us and gives us wisdom on the right healing path for our particular situation. Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call to Me and I will answer you and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know."

One thing that I teach very strongly on is YOU WERE NOT CREATED TO DO LIFE ALONE! You need "4 Crazy Friends to do life with" (Luke 5:18-19). Strong, faith believing friends will not give up on you when you need a miracle!

If you would like to learn more about healing and different modalities of healing, here are some links that have been a great help to me. And if you need healing and would like our healing team minister to you, please contact us.